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California’s commercial and recreational Dungeness seasons can shift into high gear in the next few days.
Department of Fish and Wildlife officials have determined from their latest assessment that most humpback whales have completed their migration south, thereby reducing the risk of entanglement in fishing gear to a seasonal low.
Two major restrictions will be lifted this weekend:
— At 8:01 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 14, recreational crabbers along the entire California coast may start using crab traps. For the first weeks of the season, only hoop nets and crab snares had been allowed.
— At 8:01 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 15, the 50 percent trap reduction that had been ordered for the commercial fishery will be lifted.
However, CDFW Director Charlton H. Bonham said late Wednesday, all commercial and recreational fleets are advised to “remain vigilant and avoid setting gear in areas where whales are transiting or foraging.”
The conservation group Oceana issued a statement praising state officials and the crab and processing industries for “prioritizing the safety of whales, ensuring these magnificent animals could feed and migrate toward their breeding grounds off Mexico and Central America without the risk of entanglement.”
Senior scientist Geoff Shester of Oceana said further, “The restrictions put on the fleet this season have served their purpose, as no whales were observed entangled, and now most humpbacks have left for the winter. We wish the fishing community safety and success.”
This was the the fourth consecutive year of delays to protect the humpbacks. The next risk assessment will be scheduled for mid-February, the state announced.
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