The Callisto Protocol hides some collectibles inside the dead bodies of crew members, which makes finding them all a unique quest for players.
Players trying to obtain all the collectibles in The Callisto Protocol may be misled by the vague trophy/achievement description. In order to obtain all the necessary collectibles, this guide has been made to locate each of their locations and the chapters they appear in.
Since The Callisto Protocol currently has no chapter select or New Game Plus mode, these all need to be collected in one playthrough. These collectibles consist of not only the Implant Bios found in corpses but also the Data Bio audio recordings hidden around the game, and both are required for the trophy/achievement.
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The auto-save feature occurs regularly, so it is recommended to make manual saves frequently in case a collectible is missed. While some autosaves can be reloaded, it can be risky if the players makes too much progress before they realize it is missing.
Also, some players have reported the data bios not being officially saved after they are picked up. Players should make good use of this guide and general exploration to find all the collectible pickups throughout The Callisto Protocol.
Starting off easy with the first chapter, only one collectible can be acquired. Its location is simple enough to discover, but collectibles are technically missable and easily overlooked. It is recommended to check the player menu as soon as new collectibles are picked up to ensure this doesn't occur, and reloading to a safe manual safe if it does to avoid frustration.
The Cargo chapter collectible can be found right at the start of the chapter when the player can take control of Jacob. Before he heads down to the cargo hold as per the mission, there are a few other unlocked doors to the left and right. Entering the door on the left will lead to a small room, with the Data Bio visible on the shelf.
During Outbreak, Jacob gets to see the biophages attacking the ship and encounter them in battle, so some players can overlook the exploration aspect as they fight mutants. Thankfully, the collectibles appear after most of the combat tutorials in this mostly linear chapter.
The first Data Bio "Mahler's Appointment" is found after keeping out of the search robot's sight. Inside the room labeled Surgery M112, this collectible is in the corner of the room on some yellow-orange metalwork.
The next one appears a little later when Jacob is returning to the watchtower. Backtrack all the way to Elia's cell (while fighting enemies on the way) and enter the room. The collectible is easily visible on the desk and belongs to Elia himself.
The third and final one in this chapter is easy enough to spot after finding Captain Ferris in his office. A cutscene will play out where Jacob gains an additional combat power and Ferris is attacked by biophages. Afterwards the Data-Bio is easily visible on top of the demonstration table with hologram displays.
The third chapter 'Aftermath' has eight collectibles to locate, and some are very well hidden. It is recommended to make some backup manual saves during this chapter in case one or two are missed, as backtracking becomes more limited as the chapter continues.
First off, players need to do some exploring and vent crawling as newer enemies are introduced. The first Data-Bio is attainable after Elias tells Jacob to find a guard code. Backtrack through the room labeled Laundry B202 and locate the corpse of a guard (near a destroyed security robot) and extract the implant bio.
The previous collectible is part of story progression, but an optional implant bio is located close by. After entering the laundry room again and heading down the corridor, Jacob will come to two doorways either side. Head down the right corridor into the room labeled B112 and extract the data-bio from the corpse.
After taking some more optional collectibles and health items, Jacob can return to the main corridor and choose the left path this time. This leads to a room which can be opened by destroying the control panel wires and crawling through a vent. This next data-bio is hidden inside a secret room at the end of this long descending path, which also serves as the first part of the Commonality Trophy/Achievement.
Jacob can now exit the secret room and make the climb back up to the original route. Once Jacob is back on track, lead him to Maintenance B414 while keeping a lookout for biophage enemies. Immediately after opening the door to Medical Ward C101, a corpse is clearly visible and ready for extracting.
Next up Jacob receives another gameplay upgrade in the form of the GRP Glove. Following this, the player will eventually enter a room with many hanging bodies and several corpses on the ground. The data-bio is located inside the corpse in the middle of the room, keep an eye out for the extraction symbol to find the right body.
A short time later, Jacob finds the maintenance elevator, but it crashes down into the basement. While down there, a large spinning fan can be located nearby, which also has a corpse to the side with a data-bio for extracting.
Jacob manages to get the gondola working soon after, which leads to another enemy encounter. After crossing the gondola, two fuse switches need to be located in order to progress. Another corpse with an extractable data bio can be found in the dark next to the two fuse switches.
The last data-bio appears close to the end of the chapter after Jacob gets locked into a prison cell by Dani. This one is easy enough to locate on the desk inside the cell, and signals the last of the Chapter 3 collectibles.
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Habitat has 7 collectibles on offer, which are easy to miss due to the high stakes and frequent points of no return that occur throughout this chapter. Several data-bios are once again found in corpses that are easy to overlook, so making manual saves frequently is highly recommended.
The objective of 'Follow The Red Pipe' will appear as a guidance marker for Jacob through sludge and vents. The path is fairly linear towards the doorway marked “Purification B H207”, but the first data-bio is situated up on the small balcony on the left side of the corridor. After climbing up using the movable box, a resource chest and data-bio can be seen and collected.
After the previous collectible, Jacob needs to crawl into the vent besides the “Purification B H207” door. Inside this room are 2 fuses that Jacob must pick up in order to progress, but there is also a corpse in the corner of the room that can be extracted (in front of the door marked "Access Hall H271".)
The next data-bio appears after activating a second fuse switch door, leading Jacob to a hallway with two paths to go. Enter the Storage Hall H239 straight ahead (not “Water Control H262” on the right) and Jacob ends up going through a decontamination chamber, with the data-bio visible on the right-hand side of the room.
The next data-bio is part of the story, and occurs after getting the code from the guard's corpse. His body is found in the room with "SHOOT THE TENTACLES" painted in blood on the wall.
After a long water slide section and evading security outside the BioDome, another 'Get Code From Guard' objective is given to the player, different from the first one. Therefore, this data-bio is also picked up automatically after going through “Botanical H625” and crawling through a nearby vent to reach the guard's corpse.
If you die after picking up the previous data-bio it may not be logged into the collectibles and risks voiding the trophy/achievement. Check immediately in the data-bio menu after picking it up. If it is blacked out then players will need to reload an earlier save and pick it up again. This is also true if Jacob dies after picking it up; double-check the data-bio menu in case the game has not saved progress, and re-acquire it from the same location if so.
After getting the guard's data-bio, go through the garden area “Botanical H264” located opposite instead of backtracking. A thin gap in the wall is located this way, which has a data-bio through it. Same as with the previous data-bio, check to see if it has been saved if Jacob is killed before getting to the next checkpoint.
Once Jacob is outside again, the next unlocked section presents a choice of direction for him: either unlock the door using Jacob's shiv or go down the hatch. The correct path involves unlocking the door and moving to the end of the walkway to find the last data-bio for this chapter, but watch out for enemies playing dead or quietly roaming.
The chapter titled Lost has 8 collectibles, but it also serves as one of the longest chapters in the game. A lot of objectives appear throughout, so players should look ahead on the list to avoid missing collectibles due to getting sidetracked.
The first data-bio is attainable after the first cutscene with Elias and Dani. Head through the gate to see some open buildings in the vicinity; the collectible is located through the open doorway straight ahead, on a shelf in the abandoned room.
Shortly afterwards, Jacob needs to fend off biophage monsters in a snowy area densely surrounded by buildings while waiting for a trapped worker to open the way. Once the doorway opens, a data-bio is extracted from the corpse found behind the door in order to progress, meaning this is another unmissable collectible.
Jacob eventually enters the tunnels to progress, and after some crawling through narrow places, Jacob has the chance to go left or right to continue. The data-bio is located down the left-most path, so players should go this way first and then return to the right.
Jacob's objective of getting to Dani takes him into a big hangar area where he will need to fight. A cutscene will play where Dani gives the player the shotgun “Riot Gun”, and after this, the player can head upstairs to find the corpse on the floor behind the tables ready for extraction.
After entering the Power Station and opening the gates via a console, a corpse can be found inside the room labeled "Prisoner Transfer S408” stuck in a blade contraption. The data-bio can be extracted from here, but doing so will reactivate traps in the area and alert enemies, so players should be prepared.
On the hunt for Dani again, Jacob will find the crashed spaceship again. Head inside and look in the second room on the left to find a data-bio.
Shortly after the previous collectible, Jacob goes through more snowy areas before entering a hangar with Dani. Some vehicles can be seen on the right side of the hangar, with a corpse and data-bio that can be extracted.
The final data-bio for the chapter can be seen In the room with several malfunctioning security robots. Dani calls the elevator in this room, but the collectible can be found on the right side of the room this while waiting for the elevator.
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During the Below chapter, there are 5 collectibles up for grabs, with one big deviation that leads to a secret room. Players need to be mindful of sudden enemy ambushes and not get lost while evading them, otherwise they risk missing data-bios and being unable to backtrack.
After the start of the chapter, Jacob frees himself from some wires while hanging upside down, greeted by a blind enemy that responds to noise. There are plenty of these enemy types across the chapter, and stealth killing 5 of them will grant another Callisto Protocol trophy/achievement.
After dispatching the first enemy and following the linear route out of the room, players will be able to see the first data-bio collectible on a workbench in the next room with enemies.
While on the way to the Transport Hub, Jacob reaches a point where the snake-head biophage is surrounded by 5 blind ones. The data-bio is down the next corridor; head left towards some nearby crates, and it will be visible on top of them once Jacob is within reach.
The next collectible can be missed if players move too quickly through the level while trying to locate the power reactor. Jacob will need to search for a keycard to enter the tunnels, but the route splits off in two. The collectible can be found at the end of the corridor to the side, which MUST be entered before heading downhill otherwise players risk missing it.
The fourth data-bio is found in a secret room just like in Chapter 3, and requires a big detour in order to locate. Jacob will eventually reach a crawlspace loading gate and a ladder that needs to be climbed for progressing. Rather than going left or right along the walkway, he can squeeze through the gap in the rock straight ahead of him.
This path is a little time-consuming and has several biophage enemies to look out for, but at the end of the path Jacob can enter a second secret room with the data-bio resting on the main desk opposite. If the player has been to the first secret room in Chapter 3, then the Commonality Trophy/Achievement will also pop.
The final data-bio of this chapter can be gotten after the difficult battle with Two-Head. Once the battle is finished, get off the transport platform and follow the linear route as usual to find a corpse laying nearby. Make sure to extract the collectible prior to exiting the room because of the autosave checkpoint.
Colony has 7 collectibles to find, and the constant onslaught of tough enemies can make collecting data-bios a challenge. More manual saves are recommended after a data-bio is acquired to reduce the need for backtracking.
Thankfully the first collectible is obtainable right at the start of the chapter. Once Jacob heads down the little staircase, the player only need look left to see an extractable corpse directly in the middle of the path.
A cutscene will pay shortly after with Dani telling Jacob to head for the tower. Before Jacob climbs down the ladder in the next room, the data-bio is visible on a shelf nearby and ready for collecting.
The blind enemies make a return next, but are easy enough to avoid with stealth kills and not firing weapons. The third data-bio is located up the ladder and behind the first unlocked electronic door on the right; enter it quickly and extract it from the corpse, but do not linger too long because of nearby enemies.
While trying to get to Dani, Jacob will take an elevator upwards. After exiting, the data-bio is hard to miss due to being located in front of Jacob.
Following on from the last data-bio, head up to the rooftops and get to a sign with two arrows labeled “Bathroom” and “Roof Top”. Enter the first house on the right, leading to the collectible which can be extracted from the corpse in this room.
A Gate Fuse also needs to be found in this area in order to open the access door. Behind the door is a crafting station, with the data-bio in a body to the left of the machine..
The last data-bio in the chapter comes much later, after a boss fight with Captain Ferris. Jacob rides on another transport platform with Dani as part of a cutscene; after dismounting the platform it can be found on a box to the right.
The final chapter Tower only has 4 collectibles, but players still need to be observant due to the finicky nature of the last few collectibles triggering the trophy/achievement criteria.
Another Two-Head battle is lying in wait for Jacob inside a tight arena where he grabs a Gate Fuse. Head left down the hallway and go right to the end in order to grab the data-bio.
Door M150 will be locked when the player first approaches it, requiring yet another Gate Fuse. Head into the psych ward and crawl through a vent to get the fuse, but immediately after this investigate the blocked stairs, because Jacob can go halfway up and grab the hidden data-bio.
More two-Head battles and enemies need to be fought on the way to Dr. Mahler, who will open a door for Jacob. Once he is inside, examine the right side of the room to find the penultimate data-bio.
Players should note that the Grim Reaper Trophy/Achievement should pop after picking up the previous data-bio collectible (#42) rather than the final one (#43). This is why checking the player menu frequently is an important step for success to see if any are missing.
Head into the elevator with Dani to reach the tower. The last Data-Bio is located on a white desk towards the back wall of the gallery after leaving the elevator. As stated above, the trophy/achievement should have already popped, but this final collectible will be the last visible entry in the Data-Bio menu.
The Callisto Protocol is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S.
MORE: The Callisto Protocol: Complete Guide And Walkthrough
Ruby Modica is a specialized video game writer for GameRant, focusing on Metal Gear and other stealth/retro games where possible. She has been producing retro reviews on YouTube since 2019 and written many topical gaming articles in the process, including the video game charity Safe In Our World. When Ruby isn't writing or editing content, she likes to unwind by cooking new vegan recipes and revelling in game nostalgia.